
Last Updated: Jul-12-2014

Fallout 3 BobbleheadEach bobblehead permanently increases one of the 7 S.P.E.C.I.A.L. statistics by 1 point, or one of the 13 skills of the player character by 10 points but not past the maximum of 10 (S.P.E.C.I.A.L.) or 100 (skills). Because of this, is inadvisable to max out any S.P.E.C.I.A.L.s before collecting the bobbleheads, as then the bobblehead will have no effect.

With the addition of the “Almost Perfect” perk that becomes available when level 30 is reached, (Broken Steel add-on required) it is tempting for advanced players to wait until they can use this perk, then collect all Bobbleheads. “Almost Perfect” raises all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. to 9, so collecting all bobbleheads after taking the perk makes all stats raise to 10. This requires waiting until level 30, however, which could handicap you for most of the game.

Printable Checklist

Fallout-3-Bobblehead-Locations.pdf (7575 downloads)

Bobblehead Location Table

AgilityS.P.E.C.I.A.L.Greener Pastures Disposal Site: Office
BarterSkillsEvergreen Mills: Bazaar
Big GunsSkillsFort Constantine: CO Quarters (little bungalow), basement
CharismaS.P.E.C.I.A.L.Vault 108: Cloning Lab
EnduranceS.P.E.C.I.A.L.Deathclaw Sanctuary
Energy Weapons *SkillsRaven Rock: Colonel Autumn's bedroom
*Be sure to grab it before entering the Control Room on the way to see President Eden, as there is no returning for it after that point.
ExplosivesSkillsWKML Broadcast Station: Sealed Cistern
IntelligenceS.P.E.C.I.A.L.Rivet City: Science Lab
LockpickSkillsBethesda ruins: Bethesda Offices East, second floor
LuckS.P.E.C.I.A.L.Arlington Cemetery North: Arlington House basement
Medicine *SkillsVault 101: James' desk in the clinic. In Trouble on the Homefront, it will be on a small cart in front of the blood spattered window.
*The bobblehead can be obtained during "Future Imperfect", "Escape!", or "Trouble on the Homefront", but after all three quests are complete, the Vault will be permanently sealed (unless all people in the vault are killed or the vault is sabotaged).
Melee WeaponsSkillsDunwich Building: Go through the Dunwich Building to get to the Forsaken Dunwich Ruins which lead to the Virulent Underchambers. It will be in the center of a room near the exit to Dunwich Building.
PerceptionS.P.E.C.I.A.L.Republic of Dave: Museum of Dave
Repair *SkillsArefu: Evan King's house (requires 50 Lockpick, no Karma cost).
*It is possible to get locked out of Evan King's house forever if the you fail a "force lock" attempt, making the bobblehead unobtainable, unless the you have the Infiltrator perk.
ScienceSkillsVault 106: Living Quarters
Small GunsSkillsNational Guard depot: National Guard Armory, sitting on a shelf in the sealed storage room in the basement. The switch for the utility door to access the armory is found on the 3rd floor that can only be reached by going through the Depot Training Wing and Depot Offices.
SneakSkillsYao Guai Tunnels: Yao guai den
SpeechSkillsParadise Falls: Eulogy's Pad
Strength *S.P.E.C.I.A.L.Megaton: Lucas Simms' house
*If Megaton is destroyed during "The Power of the Atom", this bobblehead will be unobtainable.
UnarmedSkillsRockopolis: An unmarked location due west of Smith Casey's Garage, and due north of Girdershade. The entrance (a large boulder) is below a party banner that is lit up at night.

This article uses material from the “Vault-Tec bobblehead”, “Bobblehead – Strength”, “Bobblehead – Energy Weapons”, “Bobblehead – Medicine”, “Bobblehead – Repair” and “Bobblehead – Small Guns” articles on the Fallout wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

All Books and Notes

Last Updated: Jan-08-2015 (corrected book titles and added one title thanks to visitor comments)

A visitor by the name of Jen requested a sortable file which lists all of the books, notes, letters, journals, spell books and skill books in Skyrim. She also asked for the locations of each and the associated DLC (if any). I have done my best to compile such a list using existing resources on the net (please see the “Attribution” tab in the file), but I’m sure the list is far from perfect so take it with a grain of salt and send me a screenshot of your room full of books and paper when you’re done. 😀

the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-all-books-and-notes.xlsx (75536 downloads)
the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-all-books-and-notes.pdf (127313 downloads)

The following items are covered in the file:

  • Common Books
  • Black Books (Dragonborn)
  • Journals
  • Letters / Notes
  • Skill Books
  • Spell Tomes
  • Treasure Maps

Loot Collection Guide

  • Last Updated: 2014-Jul-11 (complete)

So far, I’ve found that the main chapters are broken into areas.  Once you’ve left an area, there is no way to return. This means that you might have missed some loot and the only way to to get it is to load a manual save (if you have one) or restart the level. Personally, I find this very frustrating!  In order to help, I’ve created a list with an entry for each “point of no return”.  Each lists the amount of the different types of loot you should have before leaving the area, and where the area ends.  If your amounts match, then you can leave knowing it has been cleared.  Otherwise, you can keep searching!

To check your progress of collectibles, loot/gold and pockets picked before you leave an area, open the journal and go to Player Progression > Statistics.  For documents and newspapers go to the Documents section in the journal.

Printable Checklist

Thief-Reboot-Loot-Collection-Guide.pdf (13969 downloads)

“Points of No Return” Table

  • Gold or Loot Found. The Prologue tracks loot in gold (G) only.
ChapterAreaCollectiblesGold or Loot FoundPockets PickedDocumentsFocus PointPoint of no return
Prologue11 / 1106 G0 / 30 / 10 / 0Before leaving the attic.
Prologue21 / 1127 G0 / 30 / 10 / 0Before dropping down after talking to Erin about her claw.
Prologue31 / 1271 G0 / 31 / 10 / 0Before taking the stairs to the top floor in the Drop Location.
Prologue41 / 1294 G1 / 31 / 10 / 0Before going through the locked door.
Prologue51 / 1346 G3 / 31 / 10 / 0Before stealing Erin's claw.
Chapter 110 / 43 / 600 / 120 / 20 / 0Before dropping down from the topmost catwalks as you enter Traitorsgate.
Chapter 121 / 47 / 603 / 121 / 20 / 0Before dropping down to the area with the locked metal gate.
Chapter 131 / 49 / 603 / 121 / 20 / 0Before going through the narrow passage after unlocking the iron gate.
Chapter 144 / 460 / 608 / 122 / 20 / 0Before going through the window on the top floor of the jewelry shop.
Chapter 154 / 460 / 608 / 122 / 20 / 0Before going through the window in the alley.
Chapter 164 / 460 / 6012 / 122 / 20 / 0Before climbing the last wall near the clock tower.
Chapter 210 / 55 / 712 / 150 / 90 / 0Before climbing the wall behind the metal gate.
Chapter 221 / 57 / 712 / 151 / 90 / 0Before jumping into the vent after the wall climb.
Chapter 231 / 525 / 719 / 153 / 90 / 0Before grabbing the hook.
Chapter 243 / 559 / 7114 / 158 / 90 / 0Before grabbing a hook for the second time.
Chapter 254 / 567 / 7115 / 159 / 90 / 0Before sliding down the ventilation shaft after climbing the wall.
Chapter 265 / 571 / 7115 / 159 / 90 / 0Before taking the ring from the strongbox.
Chapter 311 / 55 / 575 / 210 / 40 / 1Before using the claw to scale the wall near the front doors.
Chapter 321 / 56 / 575 / 210 / 40 / 1Before either going through the front door after using the lever, or sliding down the side ramp.
Chapter 332 / 542 / 5713 / 214 / 40 / 1Before unlocking the painting.
Chapter 342 / 543 / 5713 / 214 / 40 / 1Before jumping down after activating the podium.
Chapter 353 / 547 / 5721 / 214 / 40 / 1Before dropping down from the beam outside the broken window.
Chapter 365 / 557 / 5721 / 214 / 41 / 1Before shimmying across the pipes.
Chapter 410 / 60 / 390 / 130 / 60 / 0Before dropping down after passing the first window. Nothing to pick up in this area.
Chapter 420 / 62 / 390 / 130 / 60 / 0Before dropping down after using the ramp to jump a gap.
Chapter 430 / 62 / 390 / 130 / 60 / 0Before dropping down after watching an explosion at the keep. Nothing to pick up in this area.
Chapter 441 / 63 / 390 / 130 / 60 / 0Before climbing into the window.
Chapter 451 / 63 / 390 / 130 / 60 / 0Before dropping down after crawling between the crates. Nothing to pick up in this area.
Chapter 463 / 623 / 396 / 131 / 60 / 0Before pressing the switch to the study after taking the elevator to the top floor.
Chapter 473 / 625 / 396 / 132 / 60 / 0Before taking the keep plans off the wall.
Chapter 483 / 625 / 396 / 134 / 60 / 0Before dropping down after climbing the rope. Nothing to pick up in this area. Two documents from the wall in the study are tallied in the journal after you arrive in this area.
Chapter 493 / 625 / 396 / 134 / 60 / 0Before reaching the end of the crawlspace. Nothing to pick up in this area.
Chapter 4103 / 629 / 396 / 134 / 60 / 0Before dropping down from the wrecked office area and onto a metal platform.

IMPORTANT: save your game here and see below if you want to collect all loot.
Chapter 4113 / 630 / 396 / 134 / 60 / 0This section ends when you make it past the piston.

LOOT SPOILER: there is a gear at end of the second metal platform that you jump to. You must reach the other side before the platform collapses or you will not be able to pick up the gear. To traverse the platform, jump so you land next to the railing on the right, crouch and then move forward a few sections, then a few sections more, then swoop to the stable end.
Chapter 4123 / 636 / 396 / 134 / 60 / 0Before dropping down after turning the valve to open the passage.
Chapter 4135 / 637 / 396 / 134 / 60 / 0Before riding the elevator.
Chapter 4145 / 638 / 396 / 136 / 60 / 0Before pulling the lever.
Chapter 4155 / 638 / 396 / 136 / 60 / 0Before dropping into the safe chamber. Nothing to pick up in this area.
Chapter 4165 / 639 / 396 / 136 / 60 / 0Before entering the safe combination.
Chapter 4176 / 639 / 3913 / 136 / 60 / 0Before completing the safe combination.

NOTE: prior to patch 1.4, the journal will say there are 8 document although there are only 6.
Chapter 510 / 60 / 1060 / 10 / 420 / 1Before climbing the wall. Nothing to pick up in this area.
Chapter 521 / 65 / 1060 / 10 / 420 / 1Before entering the front doors.
Chapter 533 / 669 / 1060 / 129 / 420 / 1Before dropping into the treatment ward. NOTE: it is still possible to go back at this point, but this makes a good checkpoint since the chapter is so large.
Chapter 544 / 688 / 1061 / 139 / 420 / 1Before dropping down while in the ventilation shaft.
Chapter 556 / 6106 / 1061 / 142 / 421 / 1Before pulling the lever after passing between some crates.
Chapter 614 / 659 / 9025 / 39Ch. 6: 8 / 12
Baron: 8 / 13
0 / 0Before dropping into the pipe area from the waiting hall.
Chapter 624 / 659 / 9025 / 39Ch. 6: 8 / 12
Baron: 9 / 13
0 / 0Before opening the study doors.
Chapter 635 / 677 / 9039 / 39Ch. 6: 10 / 12
Baron: 10 / 1
0 / 0Before pressing the stone in the Ceremony Chamber.
Chapter 646 / 686 / 9039 / 39Ch. 6: 12 / 12
Baron: 13 / 13
0 / 0Before taking the Primal Stone.
Chapter 656 / 688 / 9039 / 39Ch. 6: 12 / 12
Baron: 13 / 13
0 / 0Before leaving the burning room that you climbed a rope and then some pipes to get into.
Chapter 666 / 690 / 9039 / 39Ch. 6: 12 / 12
Baron: 13 / 13
0 / 0On the rooftops, 1 before making a big leap across, and 1 after dropping into a room from the rooftops into a smoldering room.
Chapter 710 / 48 / 8812 / 361 / 50 / 0Before dropping into the bell tower (don't use the front entrance).
Chapter 720 / 410 / 8812 / 361 / 50 / 0Before leaving the bell tower via a narrow passage.
Chapter 730 / 431 / 8814 / 362 / 50 / 0Before pressing the down button in the elevator.
Chapter 740 / 432 / 8814 / 362 / 50 / 0Before dropping from the last grappling grate.
Chapter 751 / 452 / 8823 / 364 / 50 / 0Before going through the passage after watching the Graven die.
Chapter 762 / 455 / 8823 / 364 / 50 / 0Checkpoint Only: before leaving the big chamber with the freaks.
Chapter 772 / 458 / 8823 / 364 / 50 / 0Before dropping down to where the two Graven were talking.
Chapter 782 / 459 / 8825 / 364 / 50 / 0Before going through the narrow passage.
Chapter 793 / 480 / 8833 / 364 / 50 / 0Before entering the rotunda though the high window.
Chapter 7103 / 483 / 8833 / 364 / 50 / 0Before going through the metal door.
Chapter 7114 / 488 / 8836 / 365 / 50 / 0Before leaving the last room.
Chapter 811 / 210 / 520 / 250 / 10 / 0Before dropping down after seeing the boat.
Chapter 821 / 220 / 527 / 250 / 10 / 0Before dropping down after seeing the ship.
Chapter 831 / 226 / 5211 / 250 / 10 / 0Before entering the ship (must use the top entrance to get all loot).
Chapter 841 / 236 / 5217 / 250 / 10 / 0Before leaving the tread wheel deck.
Chapter 852 / 252 / 5225 / 250 / 10 / 0Before going to the next area through the south door.
Chapter 862 / 252 / 5225 / 251 / 10 / 0Upon completing the chapter.

Fishing and Digging Locations

Game Versions: Fable, Fable: The Lost Chapters (TLC), Fable Anniversary

Fishing and Digging Last Updated: Feb-11-2014

Printable Checklist

Fable-Fishing-and-Digging-Locations-and-Checklist.pdf (7524 downloads)

List of Fishing and Digging Locations

RegionAreaTypeItem(s)Related Quest
Bandit CampTwinblade's CampDiggingSilver Key
BargateHeadman's HillFishingSilver KeyMayor's Invitation (Bronze). This fishing spot can only be accessed during this quest.
BargateWindmill HillDiggingSilver Key
BargateWindmill HillDiggingSilver Key
BargateWindmill HillFishingWedding Ring
DarkwoodAncient Cullis GateFishingSilver Key
GreatwoodHobbe CavesDiggingSilver Key
GreatwoodOrchard FarmDiggingNothing!
GreatwoodOrchard FarmDiggingFrying Pan
GreatwoodOrchard FarmFishingCoron Visor Tattoo
GreatwoodGreatwood EntranceDiggingGolden Carrot
GreatwoodOrchard FarmFishingSilver Key
GreatwoodOrchard FarmDiggingUpper Dress
GreatwoodOrchard FarmFishingElixir of Life
GreatwoodGreatwood Cullis GateFishingMoonfish
GreatwoodFisher CreekFishingGolden Fish
GreatwoodRose CottageDiggingSilver Key
GreatwoodFisher CreekFishing100 Gold
GreatwoodFisher CreekFishingMoonfish
GreatwoodFisher CreekFishingWorking Moustache
GreatwoodFisher CreekFishingSilver Key
Heroes' GuildGuild WoodsFishingSilver Key
Heroes' Guild-FishingBlue MushroomThe Sick Child (Bronze)
Lookout Point-FishingAges of Skill Potion
LychfieldLychfield GraveyardDiggingHealth Potion
LychfieldLychfield GraveyardDigging250 Gold
LychfieldLychfield GraveyardDigging1000 Gold
LychfieldLychfield GraveyardDiggingHealth Potion
LychfieldLychfield GraveyardDiggingSilver Key
LychfieldLychfield GraveyardDiggingWill Potion
LychfieldLychfield GraveyardFishingNostro's ShieldThe Graveyard Path (Gold)
LychfieldLychfield GraveyardDiggingNostro's SwordThe Graveyard Path (Gold)
LychfieldCliffside PathDiggingSilver Key
LychfieldLychfield GraveyardDiggingNothing!
LychfieldLychfield GraveyardDiggingKarlan Wings Tattoo
LychfieldLychfield GraveyardFishingSilver Key
LychfieldLychfield GraveyardDiggingHowl Tattoo
OakvaleBarrow FieldsFishingMoonfish
OakvaleOakvale TownDigging500 Gold
OakvaleBarrow FieldsDiggingGolden Carrot
OakvaleBarrow FieldsFishing500 Gold
OakvaleBarrow FieldsFishingCoron Night Tattoo
OakvaleGrey HouseFishingSilver Key
OakvaleOakvale TownDiggingLady Grey's NecklaceMayor's Invitation (Bronze). You will have to select the spade manually from the menu to dig once you learn the location of the necklace.
OakvaleMemorial GardenDiggingHealth Potion
OakvaleOakvale TownDigging500 GoldTreasure of the Ghost Pirate (Bronze)
OakvaleOakvale TownDiggingBalverine Skull Tattoo
OakvaleMemorial GardenDiggingGolden Carrot
OakvaleMemorial GardenDiggingSilver Key
Obsidian Greataxe
Treasure of the Ghost Pirate (Bronze)
WitchwoodWitchwood StonesFishingSilver Key
WitchwoodWitchwood LakeDiggingSilver Key
WitchwoodKnothole GladeDiggingSilver Key
WitchwoodWitchwood LakeFishingWill Master's Elixir

Demon Doors

Game Versions: Fable, Fable: The Lost Chapters (TLC), Fable Anniversary
Demon Door
Last Updated: Feb-08-2014

IMPORTANT: The Demon Door in The Necropolis wants you to permanently hand over all Silver Keys in your inventory before it will open. You can avoid losing your keys using one of the following strategies:

  1. Don’t collect any Silver Keys before talking to the door. It will open despite the fact that you have no keys to give.
  2. Avoid talking to the door until after you have opened all the Silver Key Chests.

Printable Checklist

Fable-Demon-Door-Locations-and-Checklist.pdf (6104 downloads)

List of Demon Doors

Bandit CampAbandoned Road
BargateHeadsman's HillMarry Lady Grey. Note: If you choose to expose Lady Grey's deeds instead of marrying her, the face of the Door will disappear. This is the only demon door that opens from the inside.
DarkwoodDarkwood Bordello
DarkwoodDarkwood Marshes
GreatwoodGreatwood Caves
GreatwoodGreatwood Gorge
GreatwoodRose Cottage
Heroes' GuildMust be opened before accepting "Try to Stop Jack of Blades" quest card.
LychfieldLychfield Graveyard
OakvaleBarrow Fields
OakvaleGrey House
The Northern WastesThe Necropolis
WitchwoodKnothole Glade
WitchwoodWitchwood Stones
Lookout Point

This document uses material from the “List of Demon Doors (Fable)” article on the Fable wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

Silver Key Chests

Game Versions: Fable, Fable: The Lost Chapters (TLC), Fable Anniversary
Silver Key Chest
Last Updated: Feb-08-2014

IMPORTANT: The Demon Door in The Necropolis wants you to permanently hand over all Silver Keys in your inventory before it will open. You can avoid losing your keys using one of the following strategies:

  1. Don’t collect any Silver Keys before talking to the door. It will open despite the fact that you have no keys to give.
  2. Avoid talking to the door until after you have opened all the Silver Key Chests.

Printable Checklist

Fable-Silver-Key-Chest-Locations-and-Checklist.pdf (5817 downloads)

List of Silver Key Chests

Keys RequiredAreaRegionGame VersionRequirements
5GreatwoodHobbe Caves
5GreatwoodGreatwood Lake
10OakvaleGrey House
10LychfieldLychfield GraveyardThe chest is inside the Demon Door.
15Hook Coast-
15DarkwoodDarkwood Lake
15BargateHeadsman's Cave
15BowerstoneBowerstone Manor
15WitchwoodWitchwood Stones Demon Door
20Heroes' Guild-
25The Northern WastesThe NecropolisTLC
30The Northern WastesLost BayTLC

Silver Keys

Game Versions: Fable, Fable: The Lost Chapters (TLC), Fable Anniversary

Silver Key Last Updated: 2014-Feb-08

IMPORTANT: The Demon Door in The Necropolis wants you to permanently hand over all Silver Keys in your inventory before it will open. You can avoid losing your keys using one of the following strategies:

  1. Don’t collect any Silver Keys before talking to the door. It will open despite the fact that you have no keys to give.
  2. Avoid talking to the door until after you have opened all the Silver Key Chests.

Printable Checklist

Fable-Silver-Key-Locations-and-Checklist.pdf (6469 downloads)

List of Silver Keys

AreaRegionRequirementsGame Version
Bandit CampTwinblade's CampSpade
BargateHeadsman's HillFishing Rod.
Must be obtained during the "Mayor's Invitation" quest.
BargateWindmill HillSpade
BargateWindmill HillSpade
BowerstoneBowerstone South
BowerstoneBowerstone SouthDonate 25 books to the school in the "Book Collection" quest.TLC
BowerstoneBowerstone ManorIf not playing TLC or Anniversary, you must marry Lady Grey.
DarkwoodAncient Cullis GateFishing Rod
DarkwoodDarkwood Lake
GreatwoodFisher CreekFishing Rod
GreatwoodFisher CreekWin 3rd place or higher in the "Fishing Competition".TLC
GreatwoodGreatwood Lake
GreatwoodHobbe CavesSpade
GreatwoodOrchard FarmFishing Rod
GreatwoodRose CottageSpade
Heroes' GuildGuild WoodsFishing Rod
Hook Coast-
LychfieldCliffside PathSpade
LychfieldLychfield GraveyardSpade
LychfieldLychfield Graveyard
LychfieldLychfield GraveyardFishing Rod
OakvaleWin the "Chicken Kicking Competition" with a score of 150+.TLC
OakvaleGrey HouseFishing Rod
OakvaleMemorial GardenSpade
Lookout Point-
The Northern WastesThe Lost BaySpadeTLC
The Northern WastesThe NecropolisFishing RodTLC
WitchwoodKnothole GladeSpade
WitchwoodWitchwood LakeSpade
WitchwoodWitchwood StonesFishing Rod

Skill Books and Trainers

Last Updated: May-04-2013

There is one skill book and four trainers available for each skill in Reckoning.  If you want to max out your skills make sure that you take advantage of trainers before you pass their training threshold.  You may also want to save your skill books until after you’ve met with the four trainers for a skill.

Printable Checklist

Kingdoms-of-Amalur-Reckoning-Skill-Books-and-Trainers-Checklist.pdf (9103 downloads)

List of Skill Books and Trainers

AlchemySkill BookCradle of Summer (NW Plains of Erathell) in a secret door near Urul Tusk. Requires Detect Hidden level 5 or greater.
AlchemyBasic Trainer (0-3)Jakasen - Lyceum Grove in City of Ysa
AlchemyBasic Trainer (0-3)Molly Janick - Blue Bear Tavern in Emaire
AlchemyIntermediate Trainer (4-6)Savant Red Thombrum - Scholia Arcana in Rathir
AlchemyAdvanced Trainer (7-9)Conni - Seawatch [requires mission: Ghosts of Seawatch]
BlacksmithingSkill BookHall of Firstsworn in a chest. Acquired during the The Mystic Hammer quest.
BlacksmithingBasic Trainer (0-3)Halder Rodric - Shieldring Keep
BlacksmithingBasic Trainer (0-3)Holte Frenn - United Merchants Delegation in City of Ysa
BlacksmithingIntermediate Trainer (4-6)Efyr Dynnwel - Ironfast Keep in Menetyre. Requires completion of 'A Master's Touch' quest, given by a Blacksmith.
BlacksmithingAdvanced Trainer (7-9)Ragna Senn - Mel Senshir
Detect HiddenSkill BookReward for completing either Going Rogue or The Purloined Letters during The Travelers faction quests (you can receive both this and the Stealth skill book, one for each quest, chosen randomly)
Detect HiddenBasic Trainer (0-3)Arnick Arduna - Gorhart Inn in Gorhart
Detect HiddenBasic Trainer (0-3)Ambassador Odvar - Embassy Hall in City of Ysa
Detect HiddenIntermediate Trainer (4-6)Gawait Hand - Sun Camp
Detect HiddenAdvanced Trainer (7-9)Ney Csalan - Mel Senshir
DispellingSkill BookBallads Library. Requires Ballads Signet Ring from the House of Ballads quest line.
DispellingBasic Trainer (0-3)Saramer - Trellis in City of Ysa
DispellingBasic Trainer (0-3)Eric Porthe - Adessa Walls. I found him in the Forum, but he seems to move around the city.
DispellingIntermediate Trainer (4-6)Artan Caid - Scholia Arcana in Rathir
DispellingAdvanced Trainer (7-9)Dionaeach - House of Sorrows. Requires completion of the House of Sorrows entrance trial.
LockpickingSkill BookInside a locked chest in Orieator's Tomb on the Northern Forsaken Plain.
LockpickingBasic Trainer (0-3)Tefroy Tarion - Tirin's Rest. Requires completion of Lock and Key mission.
LockpickingBasic Trainer (0-3)Thorvald Ulfsson - South Of Brunuath across a bridge near the lorestone in South east Lorca-Rane
LockpickingIntermediate Trainer (4-6)Narit Wyle - Hospitalis Quarters in Adessa Walls
LockpickingAdvanced Trainer (7-9)Elya Madmyr - Caeled Coast west of Seawatch
MercantileSkill BookReward for fully upgrading Motus Mining Outpost house. Buying the house requires the completion of the Motus Mining quest line. Upgrade the house and the book will be on a bookshelf.
MercantileBasic Trainer (0-3)Elayen Dark - Star Camp in Dalentarth
MercantileBasic Trainer (0-3)Anton Demian - Northern Alserund north of the Caverns of Ingress.
MercantileIntermediate Trainer (4-6)Eormen Gest - Moon Camp in Plains of Erathell
MercantileAdvanced Trainer (7-9)Enion Gaius - Mel Senshir
PersuasionSkill BookReward for completing Paper Trail mission in Adessa.
PersuasionBasic Trainer (0-3)Ellova - House of Ballads
PersuasionBasic Trainer (0-3)Magessa Ohr - Rathir, Upper City
PersuasionIntermediate Trainer (4-6)Templar Montainel - Forum in Adessa Isles (if you can't find her in the Forum, she is upstairs in the Hospitalis)
PersuasionAdvanced Trainer (7-9)Caradas Hyne - Mel Senshir
SagecraftSkill BookHidden a well in St. Hadwyn's Mission in Glendara
SagecraftBasic Trainer (0-3)Viscount Setter - Southwest in City of Ysa, or in The Font (after completing Oh, the Indignitaries )
SagecraftBasic Trainer (0-3)Savant Raina Njorn - Delving Hall in City of Ysa
SagecraftIntermediate Trainer (4-6)Savant Itran Sconn - Scholia Arcana in the upper city of Rathir
SagecraftAdvanced Trainer (7-9)Liordran - Balor's Crossing in The Keening or just east of Rahnil
StealthSkill Bookreward for completing either Going Rogue or The Purloined Letters during The Travelers faction quests (you can receive both this and the Detect Hidden skill book, one for each quest, chosen randomly)
StealthBasic Trainer (0-3)Hiroen Karet - Star Camp in Dalentarth
StealthBasic Trainer (0-3)Inthaels Scyld - Moon Camp in Plains of Erathell
StealthIntermediate Trainer (4-6)Borm of Bowstrings - Hospitalis Quarters in Adessa Walls
StealthAdvanced Trainer (7-9)Ticnerani in Dark Glow Caverns in Shadow Pass


Last Updated: May-04-2013

Printable Checklist

Kingdoms-of-Amalur-Reckoning-Backpacks-Checklist.pdf (5971 downloads)

List of Backpacks

AdessaDomus PoliticaSenecer MacitNone
Mel Senshir-Illyn DoldranNone
OdarathGhorhart VillageThe Corner Shop, Rikka EgestNone
RathirUpper City, Scholia ArcanaWil DonallNone
YsaAsker’s AlleyRiona HeltMust have completed “Old Friends, New Foes” main quest
IdyllaIdylla MarketAmpelioNoneTeeth of Naros

Skill Books

Last Updated: May-02-2013

Reading a skill book permanently raises the corresponding skill by three points (four with the Comprehension perk).

Printable Checklist

Fallout-New-Vegas-Skill-Books.pdf (13420 downloads)

List of Skill Books

Book TitleSkillClosest Map MarkerProcurementDLC
Big Book of ScienceScienceBrewer's Beer BootleggingFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceCamp Forlorn HopeStolen
Big Book of ScienceScienceHelios OneQuest Reward
Big Book of ScienceScienceNipton HallFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceRepconn HeadquartersFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakCamp SearchlightFound
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakGoodspringsStolen/Found
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakNcr Sharecropper FarmsStolen
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakVault 3Found
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineFollowers SafehouseFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineHelios OneFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineMesquite Mountains CraterFound
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineNovacStolen
Dean's ElectronicsRepairNellis Air Force BaseStolen
Dean's ElectronicsRepairSloanStolen
Dean's ElectronicsRepairSouthern Nevada Wind FarmFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesMojave OutpostStolen
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesNellis Air Force BaseStolen
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesRanger Station FoxtrotFound
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesSloanStolen
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsCannibal Johnson's CaveStolen
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsCottonwood CoveStolen
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsHidden Supply CaveFound
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsJacobstownFound
Guns and BulletsGunsGomorrahStolen
Guns and BulletsGunsNevada Highway Patrol StationFound
Guns and BulletsGunsRaul's ShackFound
Guns and BulletsGunsVault 34Found
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechBrooks Tumbleweed RanchStolen
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechCerulean RoboticsFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechLucky Jim MineFound
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechNcr Correctional FacilityStolen
Nikola Tesla and YouEnergy WeaponsHidden ValleyStolen
Nikola Tesla and YouEnergy WeaponsOld Nuclear Test SiteFound
Nikola Tesla and YouEnergy WeaponsRepconn HeadquartersFound
Nikola Tesla and YouEnergy WeaponsRepconn HeadquartersFound
Pugilism IllustratedUnarmedFisherman's Pride ShackFound
Pugilism IllustratedUnarmedNipton Road ReststopFound
Pugilism IllustratedUnarmedThe TopsFound
Pugilism IllustratedUnarmedVault 11Found
Tales of a Junktown Jerky VendorBarterAllied Technologies OfficesFound
Tales of a Junktown Jerky VendorBarterCap Counterfeiting ShackFound
Tales of a Junktown Jerky VendorBarterPrimmFound
Tales of a Junktown Jerky VendorBarterVault 22Found
Tumblers TodayLockpickBitter Springs Recreation AreaFound
Tumblers TodayLockpickSilver Peak MineFound
Tumblers TodayLockpickThe Prospector's DenFound
Tumblers TodayLockpickWolfhorn RanchFound
Wasteland Survival GuideSurvivalLone Wolf RadioFound
Wasteland Survival GuideSurvivalMatthews Animal Husbandry FarmFound
Wasteland Survival GuideSurvivalMesquite Mountains Camp SiteFound
Wasteland Survival GuideSurvivalScavenger PlatformFound
Big Book of ScienceScienceExecutive SuitesFoundDead Money
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakPuesta Del Sol Switching StationFoundDead Money
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineVilla ClinicFoundDead Money
Dean's ElectronicsRepairAbandoned Brotherhood Of Steel BunkerFoundDead Money
Dean's ElectronicsRepairPuesta Del Sol Switching StationFoundDead Money
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesResidential DistrictFoundDead Money
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsPolice StationFoundDead Money
Guns and BulletsGunsSierra Madre CasinoFoundDead Money
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechSierra Madre CasinoFoundDead Money
Nikola Tesla and YouEnergy WeaponsSierra Madre Casino VaultFoundDead Money
Pugilism IllustratedUnarmedVillaFoundDead Money
Tales of a Junktown Jerky VendorBarterSalida Del Sol SouthFoundDead Money
Tumblers TodayLockpickSierra Madre CasinoFoundDead Money
Workbench crate, random bookNULLAngel CaveFoundHonest Hearts
Workbench crate, random bookNULLCueva GuaracheFoundHonest Hearts
Workbench crate, random bookNULLFallen Rock CaveFoundHonest Hearts
Workbench crate, random bookNULLStone Bones CaveFoundHonest Hearts
Big Book of ScienceScienceAshton Silo Control StationFoundLonesome Road
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakSunstone TowerFoundLonesome Road
D.C. Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineBuried BuildingsFoundLonesome Road
Dean's ElectronicsRepairHopeville Missile Silo BunkerFoundLonesome Road
Duck and Cover!ExplosivesCollapsed Overpass TunnelFoundLonesome Road
Grognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsHopeville Women's BarracksFoundLonesome Road
Guns and BulletsGunsHopeville ArmoryFoundLonesome Road
Lying, Congressional StyleSpeechThird Street Municipal BuildingFoundLonesome Road
Nikola Tesla and YouEnergy WeaponsHopeville Missile Base HeadquartersFoundLonesome Road
Pugilism IllustratedUnarmedWastewater Treatment PlantFoundLonesome Road
Tales of a Junktown Jerky VendorBarterMarked Men Guard OutpostFoundLonesome Road
Tumblers TodayLockpickHopeville Missile BaseFoundLonesome Road
Tumblers TodayLockpickThe Crow's NestFoundLonesome Road
Wasteland Survival GuideSurvivalWaste Disposal StationFoundLonesome Road
Big Book of ScienceScienceY-0 Research CenterFoundOld World Blues
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakX-13 Testing FacilityFoundOld World Blues
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training ManualSneakX-13 Testing FacilityQuest RewardOld World Blues