Snow Globes

Last Updated: May-02-2013

Printable Checklist

Fallout-New-Vegas-Snow-Globes.pdf (6423 downloads)

List of Snow Globes

Snow GlobeDLC
Goodsprings Cemetery
Hoover Dam
Old Mormon Fort
Jacobstown Lodge
Nellis Boomer Museum
Lucky 38 Casino Cocktail Lounge
Vault 21 Hotel
Sierra Madre CasinoDead Money
Zion National Park Honest HeartsHonest Hearts
Junction 7 Rest StopLonesome Road
X-17 Meteorological StationOld World Blues

Stones of Barenziah

Last Updated: Nov-11-2017 (improved description of gem locations and related quests).

Printable Checklist

The-Elder-Scrolls-V-Skyrim-Stones-of-Barenziah-Checklist.pdf (37275 downloads)

Stones of Barenziah Locations

LocationLocation DescriptionNotes
AnsilvundOn the table at the end of Ansilvund Burial ChambersAnsilvund is a ruin northeast of Shor's Stone.
Black-Briar LodgeTop floorBlack Briar Lodge is a building at the base of the mountains east of Riften. To get a map marker, visit the Bee and Barb in Riften and talk to Louis Letrush to start Promises to Keep.
College of WinterholdArch-Mage's QuartersArch-Mage's Quarters are accessible after completing the College of Winterhold quest Under Saarthal.
Dainty SloadInside the ship in the last roomThe Dainty Sload is a ship found northeast of Solitude and southwest of Solitude Lighthouse. It is visited during the Thieves Guild quest The Dainty Sload.
Dark Brotherhood SanctuaryAstrid's roomThe sanctuary is accessible after joining the Dark Brotherhood, or through the quest Destroy the Dark Brotherhood!.
Dead Crone RockStone altar opposite the Word WallDead Crone Rock is a tower south-southwest of Markarth. To get a map marker, visit Dawnstar and talk to Silus Vesuius outside his home to start Pieces of the Past.
Fellglow KeepUp the stairs and to the rightFellglow Keep is a fort east-northeast of Whiterun. To get a map marker, after the College of Winterhold quest Under Saarthal speak to Urag gro-Shub in the library to start Hitting the Books.
Hob's Fall CaveThe gem is near the alchemy set under the bridge in the northwestern part of the cave systemHob's Fall Cave is a small cave on the coast between Winterhold and Dawnstar. To get a map marker, after becoming a member of the Bard's College, talk to Pantea to start Pantea's Flute.
MarkarthThe Treasury House, Thonar's bedroomPick an Apprentice lock to enter the bedroom.
MarkarthUnderstone Keep, Dwemer MuseumThere are several ways to enter the museum. The two fastest are: (1) Talk to Calcelmo in Understone Keep to start Nimhe, the Poisoned One. The museum key is awarded upon completion. (2) Steal the museum key on the table near Calcelmo, or pick the Adept lock. This method will make the museum guards hostile towards you.
Pinewatch Bandit's SanctuaryPress the hidden button to the right of the bookcase, providing access to the bandit's hideout. The gem is found in a locked room in the Bandit's Sanctuary.Pinewatch is a building that can be found by following the road east-northeast from Falkreath. It is visited during the Thieves Guild quest Silver Lining.
Rannveig's FastAfter falling down the trapdoor in front of the chest and the Word Wall, the stone is next to the alchemy lab and chest on the rightRannveig's Fast is a ruin in the mountain range south of Morthal, north of Swindler's Den.
Reeking Cave or Thalmor EmbassyPrior to official patch 1.4, the stone is located in the Thalmor Embassy in Elenwen's Solar on the second floor. After patch 1.4, inside Reeking Cave.The gem can be acquired during the main quest line quest Diplomatic Immunity. However, it is possible to access Reeking Cave by jumping and using Whirlwind Sprint.
RiftenMistveil Keep, Jarl's bedroom
SolitudeBlue Palace, Jarl's bedroom
SolitudeProudspire ManorMust buy the house but no upgrades are required.
Stony Creek CaveOn the table next to the alchemy lab in the room off to the sideStony Creek Cave is south of the Eastmarch Imperial Camp by a small lake with a dock. To get a map marker, after becoming a member of the Bard's College, talk to Inge Six Fingers to start Finn's Lute.
Sunderstone GorgeOn the table with two bodies in front of the Word WallSunderstone Gorge is a cave found south of Fort Sunguard.
WhiterunDragonsreach, Jarl's bedroom
WhiterunHall of the Dead, inside the catacombs
WhiterunJorrvaskr's living quarters, Kodlak's room
WindhelmHouse of Clan Shatter-ShieldPick a Master lock to enter.
WindhelmPalace of the Kings, upstairs in Wuunferth's room
YngvildThe gem is in the bedroom behind the throne in Yngvild Throne roomYngvild is a cave found on an island east-northeast of Dawnstar. It is visited during the Thieves Guild quest Toying With The Dead.
This document uses material from the “Skyrim:No Stone Unturned” article and linked articles on The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages ( and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.


Printable Checklist

Skyrim-List-of-Spells.pdf (26284 downloads)

Table of Spells

SpellSchool of MagickaSkill LevelSourceDLC
CandlelightAlterationNoviceSpell Tome
OakfleshAlterationNoviceSpell Tome
MagelightAlterationApprenticeSpell Tome
StonefleshAlterationApprenticeSpell Tome
Detect LifeAlterationAdeptSpell Tome
IronfleshAlterationAdeptSpell Tome
TelekinesisAlterationAdeptSpell Tome
TransmuteAlterationAdeptSpell Tome (Found)
WaterbreathingAlterationAdeptSpell Tome
Detect DeadAlterationExpertSpell Tome
EbonyfleshAlterationExpertSpell Tome
ParalyzeAlterationExpertSpell Tome
DragonhideAlterationMasterSpell Tome
Mass ParalysisAlterationMasterSpell Tome
Bound SwordConjurationNoviceSpell Tome
Conjure FamiliarConjurationNoviceSpell Tome
Raise ZombieConjurationNoviceSpell Tome
Summon Unbound DremoraConjurationNoviceQuest
Bound BattleaxeConjurationApprenticeSpell Tome
Conjure Flame AtronachConjurationApprenticeSpell Tome
Flaming FamiliarConjurationApprenticeQuest
Reanimate CorpseConjurationApprenticeSpell Tome
Soul TrapConjurationApprenticeSpell Tome
Summon Arniel's ShadeConjurationApprenticeQuest
Banish DaedraConjurationAdeptSpell Tome
Bound BowConjurationAdeptSpell Tome
Conjure Frost AtronachConjurationAdeptSpell Tome
RevenantConjurationAdeptSpell Tome
Command DaedraConjurationExpertSpell Tome
Conjure Dremora LordConjurationExpertSpell Tome
Conjure Storm AtronachConjurationExpertSpell Tome
Dread ZombieConjurationExpertSpell Tome
Expel DaedraConjurationExpertSpell Tome
Dead ThrallConjurationMasterSpell Tome
Flame ThrallConjurationMasterSpell Tome
Frost ThrallConjurationMasterSpell Tome
Storm ThrallConjurationMasterSpell Tome
Arniel's ConvectionDestructionNoviceQuest
FlamesDestructionNoviceSpell Tome
FrostbiteDestructionNoviceSpell Tome
SparksDestructionNoviceSpell Tome
Vampiric DrainDestructionNoviceVampirism
Fire RuneDestructionApprenticeSpell Tome
FireboltDestructionApprenticeSpell Tome
Frost RuneDestructionApprenticeSpell Tome
Ice SpikeDestructionApprenticeSpell Tome
Lightning BoltDestructionApprenticeSpell Tome
Lightning RuneDestructionApprenticeSpell Tome
Chain LightningDestructionAdeptSpell Tome
FireballDestructionAdeptSpell Tome
Flame CloakDestructionAdeptSpell Tome
Frost CloakDestructionAdeptSpell Tome
Ice StormDestructionAdeptSpell Tome
Lightning CloakDestructionAdeptSpell Tome
Icy SpearDestructionExpertSpell Tome
IncinerateDestructionExpertSpell Tome
ThunderboltDestructionExpertSpell Tome
Wall of FlamesDestructionExpertSpell Tome
Wall of FrostDestructionExpertSpell Tome
Wall of StormsDestructionExpertSpell Tome
BlizzardDestructionMasterSpell Tome
Fire StormDestructionMasterSpell Tome
Lightning StormDestructionMasterSpell Tome
ClairvoyanceIllusionNoviceSpell Tome
CourageIllusionNoviceSpell Tome
FuryIllusionNoviceSpell Tome
Vision of the Tenth EyeIllusionNoviceQuest
CalmIllusionApprenticeSpell Tome
FearIllusionApprenticeSpell Tome
MuffleIllusionApprenticeSpell Tome
FrenzyIllusionAdeptSpell Tome
RallyIllusionAdeptSpell Tome
InvisibilityIllusionExpertSpell Tome
PacifyIllusionExpertSpell Tome
RoutIllusionExpertSpell Tome
Call to ArmsIllusionMasterSpell Tome
HarmonyIllusionMasterSpell Tome
HysteriaIllusionMasterSpell Tome
MayhemIllusionMasterSpell Tome
HealingRestorationNoviceSpell Tome
Lesser WardRestorationNoviceSpell Tome
Fast HealingRestorationApprenticeSpell Tome
Healing HandsRestorationApprenticeSpell Tome
Steadfast WardRestorationApprenticeSpell Tome
Turn Lesser UndeadRestorationApprenticeSpell Tome
Close WoundsRestorationAdeptSpell Tome
Greater WardRestorationAdeptSpell Tome
Heal OtherRestorationAdeptSpell Tome
Repel Lesser UndeadRestorationAdeptSpell Tome
Turn UndeadRestorationAdeptSpell Tome
Circle of ProtectionRestorationExpertSpell Tome
Grand HealingRestorationExpertSpell Tome
Repel UndeadRestorationExpertSpell Tome
Turn Greater UndeadRestorationExpertSpell Tome
Bane of the UndeadRestorationMasterQuest
Guardian CircleRestorationMasterSpell Tome
Conjure BonemanConjurationApprenticeSpell Tome (Found)Dawnguard
Summon ArvakConjurationApprenticeQuestDawnguard
Conjure MistmanConjurationAdeptSpell Tome (Found)Dawnguard
Conjure WrathmanConjurationExpertSpell Tome (Found)Dawnguard
Necromantic HealingRestorationApprenticeSpell TomeDawnguard
Sun FireRestorationApprenticeSpell TomeDawnguard
Heal UndeadRestorationAdeptSpell TomeDawnguard
Stendarr's AuraRestorationAdeptSpell TomeDawnguard
Vampire's BaneRestorationAdeptSpell TomeDawnguard
BatsVampire LordN/AVampire Lord DefaultDawnguard
Corpse CurseVampire LordN/AVampire Lord PerkDawnguard
Detect All CreaturesVampire LordN/AVampire Lord PerkDawnguard
Drain LifeVampire LordN/AVampire Lord DefaultDawnguard
Mist FormVampire LordN/AVampire Lord PerkDawnguard
Raise DeadVampire LordN/AVampire Lord DefaultDawnguard
Summon GargoyleVampire LordN/AVampire Lord PerkDawnguard
Supernatural ReflexesVampire LordN/AVampire Lord PerkDawnguard
Vampire SightVampire LordN/AVampire Lord DefaultDawnguard
Vampiric GripVampire LordN/AVampire Lord PerkDawnguard
Ash ShellAlterationAdeptSpell TomeDragonborn
Ash RuneAlterationExpertSpell TomeDragonborn
Bound DaggerConjurationNoviceSpell TomeDragonborn
Conjure Ash SpawnConjurationAdeptSpell TomeDragonborn
Conjure SeekerConjurationAdeptSpell Tome (Found)Dragonborn
Conjure Ash GuardianConjurationExpertSpell TomeDragonborn
Whirlwind CloakDestructionAdeptSpell TomeDragonborn
Frenzy RuneIllusionAdeptPurchaseDragonborn

Enchantments and Soul Gems

Last Updated: Nov-09-2017 (added broken enchantments, instructions for emptying soul gems, details about weapon enchantments and a table index with “Top” links because the page is rather long).

Printable Guide and Checklist

The-Elder-Scrolls-V-Skyrim-Enchantments-and-Soul-Gems.pdf (18932 downloads)

Table Index

Armor Enchantments

^ Top
Fortify Alchemy
Fortify Alteration
Fortify Alteration & Magicka Regen
Fortify Archery
Fortify Barter
Fortify Block
Fortify Carry Weight
Fortify Conjuration
Fortify Conjuration & Magicka Regen
Fortify Destruction
Fortify Destruction & Magicka Regen
Fortify Healing Rate
Fortify Health
Fortify Heavy Armor
Fortify Illusion
Fortify Illusion & Magicka Regen
Fortify Light Armor
Fortify Lockpicking
Fortify Magicka
Fortify Magicka Regen
Fortify One-Handed
Fortify Pickpocket
Fortify Restoration
Fortify Restoration & Magicka Regen
Fortify Smithing
Fortify Sneak
Fortify Stamina
Fortify Stamina Regen
Fortify Two-Handed
Fortify Unarmed
Resist Disease
Resist Fire
Resist Frost
Resist Magic
Resist Poison
Resist Shock

Broken Enchantments

^ Top
ShadowthriveReceived by disenchanting Linwe's armor set acquired during Summerset Shadows, however the enchantments cannot be used to enchant other items. As of version 1.0 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, the items can no longer be disenchanted.
Blessing of MaraLearned by disenchanting The Bond of Matrimony ring received after marriage, however the enchantment cannot be used. As of version 1.0 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, the ring can no longer be disenchanted.

Weapon Enchantments

^ Top
Absorb HealthTransfers some of the target's health to the player.
Absorb MagickaTransfers some of the target's magicka to the player.
Absorb StaminaTransfers some of the target's stamina to the player.
BanishSends conjured daedra back to Oblivion. Daedra include Flame, Frost, Storm Atronach and Dremora.
Chaos DamageDBLearned by disenchanting purchased or looted weapons with the Chaos enchantment. 50% chance for each element of fire, frost, and shock to do a variable amount of damage based on enchanting skill.
FearCreatures and people flee from combat.
Fiery Soul TrapLearned by disenchanting the Steel Battleaxe of Fiery Souls acquired during Coming of Age. Traps souls and burns targets.
Fire Damage
Frost Damage
Huntsman's ProwessLearned by disenchanting the Poacher's Axe found in Halted Stream Camp. 3 points of extra damage to animals.
Magicka DamageDecreases the target's Magicka.
Notched PickaxeLearned by disenchanting the Notched Pickaxe found at the Throat of the World. Enchantment is always +5 to smithing with a variable on shock damage based on enchanting skill. Cannot raise smithing above 100, and dual wielding weapons with this enchantment doesn't stack the effect. Enchantment doesn't work as expected unless as least version 2.0.0 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch is installed. If version 1.3.3 is installed, the pickaxe cannot be disenchanted.
ParalyzeChance to paralyze the target.
Shock Damage
Silent Moons EnchantLearned by disenchanting a Lunar weapon found at Silent Moons Camp. Burns the target between the game hours of 9:00 pm and 5:00 am regardless of lunar phase, weather, or indoor/outdoor location. However, this enchantment won't actually do damage unless a least version 1.0 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch is installed.
Soul TrapTraps the soul of the target if an empty soul gem of the correct size is available.
Stamina DamageDecreases the target's stamina.
Turn UndeadCauses undead enemies, such as draugr, skeletons, and vampires to flee.

Types of Soul Gems

^ Top
Soul GemDescription
Petty Soul GemCan hold petty souls.
Lesser Soul GemCan hold lesser and petty souls.
Common Soul GemCan hold common, lesser and petty souls.
Greater Soul GemCan hold greater, common, lesser and petty souls.
Grand Soul GemCan hold any soul, excluding those of humanoids.
Black Soul GemCan hold any soul, including those of humanoids.
Azura's StarReward during The Black Star if you purify the star by returning to the shrine. Acts like a reusable Grand Soul Gem.
The Black StarReward during The Black Star if you purify the star by talking to Nelacar. Acts like a reusable Black Soul Gem.
Wylandriah's Soul GemThis soul gem is fillable and can be used for enchanting, but doing so will consume the gem and make the Hunt and Gather quest impossible to complete.
Soul Gem FragmentMinor loot. Cannot be used for enchanting or holding souls.

How to Empty a Soul Gem

^ Top

To empty a soul gem, drop it on the ground. When it is picked up, it will be empty. This is useful when you have a lower level soul trapped in a large soul gem (e.g. a petty soul in a grand soul gem).

Soul Levels by Creature

^ Top

CreatureDLCSoul GemLevel
Ash Spawn ImmolatorDBGrand
Betty NetchDBGrand
Dragon PriestGrand
Draugr Death OverlordGrandLevel 45+
Draugr DeathlordGrandLevel 40+
Falmer WarmongerDGGrand
Riekling ChargerDBGrand
Soul FissuresDGGrand
Ash Spawn SkirmisherDBGreater
Bull NetchDBGreater
Burnt SprigganDBGreater
Chaurus HunterDGGreater
Draugr Death OverlordGreaterLevels 34-44
Draugr DeathlordGreaterLevels 30-39
Spriggan Earth MotherDGGreater
Storm AtronachGreater
Ash SpawnDBCommon
Cave BearCommon
Chaurus ReaperCommon
Draugr ScourgeCommon
Draugr Scourge LordCommon
Falmer GloomlurkerCommon
Falmer NightprowlerCommon
Falmer ShadowmasterCommon
Frost AtronachCommon
Frost TrollCommon
Hulking DraugrDBCommon
Netch CalfDBCommon
Riekling HunterCommon
Snow BearCommon
Spriggan MatronCommon
Ash HopperDBLesser
Death HoundDGLesser
Draugr OverlordLesser
Draugr RestlessLesser
Draugr WightLesser
Falmer SkulkerLesser
Flame AtronachLesser
Giant Frostbite SpiderLesser
Ice WolfLesser
Ice WraithLesser
Restless DraugrLesser
Sabre CatLesser
Snowy Sabre CatLesser
Draugr ThrallPetty
Frostbite SpiderPetty
Snow FoxPetty

This document uses material from the “Skyrim:Enchanting Effects” article and linked articles on The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages ( and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

Skill Books

Last Updated: Apr-27-2013

  • For each skill you can find five books that will instantly improve that skill by one level. Each title only works once, even if you find two copies of that book.
  • No new skill books were added in the Dawnguard, Dragonborn or Hearthfire add-ons.
  • The Dragonborn add-on includes an ability called Scholar’s Insight that grants two points for every skill book read.

Printable Checklist

Skyrim-Skill-Book-Checklist.pdf (15661 downloads)

Table of Skill Books

SkillBook Title in Inventory
AlchemyA Game at Dinner
AlchemyDu Rerum Dirennis
AlchemyHerbalist's Guide to Skyrim
AlchemyMannimarco, King of Worms
AlchemySong of the Alchemists
AlterationBreathing Water
AlterationDaughter of the Niben
AlterationReality & Other Falsehoods
AlterationThe Lunar Lorkhan
ArcheryFather Of The Niben
ArcheryThe Black Arrow, v2
ArcheryThe Gold Ribbon of Merit
ArcheryThe Marksmanship Lesson
ArcheryVernaccus and Bourlor
BlockA Dance in Fire, v2
BlockBattle of Red Mountain
BlockDeath Blow of Abernanit
BlockThe Mirror
Conjuration2920, Frostfall, v10
Conjuration2920, Hearth Fire, v9
ConjurationLiminal Bridges
ConjurationThe Doors of Oblivion
ConjurationThe Warrior's Charge
DestructionA Hypothetical Treachery
DestructionMystery of Talara, v3
DestructionResponse to Bero's Speech
DestructionThe Art of War Magic
DestructionThe Horror of Castle Xyr
EnchantingA Tragedy in Black
EnchantingCatalogue of Armor Enchantments
EnchantingCatalogue of Weapon Enchantments
EnchantingEnchanter's Primer
EnchantingTwin Secrets
Heavy Armor2920, Mid Year, v6
Heavy ArmorChimarvamidium
Heavy ArmorHallgerd's Tale
Heavy ArmorOrsinium and the Orcs
Heavy ArmorThe Knights of the Nine
Illusion2920, Sun's Dawn, v2
IllusionBefore the Ages of Man
IllusionIncident in Necrom
IllusionMystery of Talara, Part 4
IllusionThe Black Arts On Trial
Light ArmorIce and Chitin
Light ArmorJornibret's Last Dance
Light ArmorRislav The Righteous
Light ArmorThe Rear Guard
Light ArmorThe Refugees
LockpickingAdvances in Lock Picking
LockpickingProper Lock Design
LockpickingSurfeit of Thieves
LockpickingThe Locked Room
LockpickingThe Wolf Queen, v1
One-Handed2920, Morning Star, v1
One-HandedFire and Darkness
One-HandedMace Etiquette
One-HandedNight Falls on Sentinel
One-HandedThe Importance of Where
PickpocketAevar Stone-Singer
PickpocketPurloined Shadows
PickpocketWulfmare's Guide To Better Thieving
Restoration2920, Rain's Hand, v4
RestorationMystery of Talara, v 2
RestorationRacial Phylogeny
RestorationThe Exodus
SmithingCherim's Heart
SmithingHeavy Armor Forging
SmithingLight Armor Forging
SmithingThe Armorer's Challenge
SmithingThe Last Scabbard of Akrash
Sneak2920, Last Seed, v8
SneakLegend of Krately House
SneakSacred Witness
SneakThe Red Kitchen Reader
SneakThree Thieves
Speech2920, Second Seed, v5
SpeechA Dance in Fire, v6
SpeechA Dance in Fire, v7
SpeechBiography of the Wolf Queen
SpeechThe Buying Game
Two-HandedBattle of Sancre Tor
Two-HandedSong Of Hrormir
Two-HandedThe Legendary Sancre Tor
Two-HandedWords and Philosophy

Alchemy Ingredients and Effects

Last Updated: Nov-06-2017 (improved checklists with Hearthfire ingredients and garden planting indicators).

Alchemy allows you to create potions that temporarily enhance skills, increase damage or restore health, stamina and magicka. Most ingredients are plentiful and can be picked up as you wander around Skyrim.

The PDFs and table below list the four effects for each ingredient. The Effect number corresponds to the order of effects in-game, as shown in the image below. Remember, you can always learn the first effect by eating the ingredient!

Order of Effects


Printable Checklists

The-Elder-Scrolls-V-Skyrim-Alchemy-Ingredients-Grouped-by-Effect-Checklist.pdf (53374 downloads)
The-Elder-Scrolls-V-Skyrim-Alchemy-Ingredients-and-Effects-Checklist.pdf (32454 downloads)

List of Alchemy Ingredients

DB = Dragonborn DLC (ingredients found in Solstheim)
DG = Dawnguard DLC
HF = Hearthfire

Ingredient NameEffect No.EffectDLCHF Garden
Abecean Longfin1Weakness to Frost
Abecean Longfin2Fortify Sneak
Abecean Longfin3Weakness to Poison
Abecean Longfin4Fortify Restoration
Ancestor Moth Wing1Damage StaminaDG
Ancestor Moth Wing2Fortify ConjurationDG
Ancestor Moth Wing3Damage Magicka RegenDG
Ancestor Moth Wing4Fortify EnchantingDG
Ash Creep Cluster1Damage StaminaDB
Ash Creep Cluster2InvisibilityDB
Ash Creep Cluster3Resist FireDB
Ash Creep Cluster4Fortify DestructionDB
Ash Hopper Jelly1Restore HealthDB
Ash Hopper Jelly2Fortify Light ArmorDB
Ash Hopper Jelly3Resist ShockDB
Ash Hopper Jelly4Weakness to FrostDB
Ashen Grass Pod1Resist FireDB
Ashen Grass Pod2Weakness to ShockDB
Ashen Grass Pod3Fortify LockpickingDB
Ashen Grass Pod4Fortify SneakDB
Bear Claws1Restore Stamina
Bear Claws2Fortify Health
Bear Claws3Fortify One-handed
Bear Claws4Damage Magicka Regen
Bee1Restore Stamina
Bee2Ravage Stamina
Bee3Regenerate Stamina
Bee4Weakness to Shock
Beehive Husk1Resist Poison
Beehive Husk2Fortify Light Armor
Beehive Husk3Fortify Sneak
Beehive Husk4Fortify Destruction
Bleeding Crown1Weakness to FireY
Bleeding Crown2Fortify BlockY
Bleeding Crown3Weakness to PoisonY
Bleeding Crown4Resist MagicY
Blisterwort1Damage StaminaY
Blisterwort3Restore HealthY
Blisterwort4Fortify SmithingY
Blue Butterfly Wing1Damage Stamina
Blue Butterfly Wing2Fortify Conjuration
Blue Butterfly Wing3Damage Magicka Regen
Blue Butterfly Wing4Fortify Enchanting
Blue Dartwing1Resist Shock
Blue Dartwing2Fortify Pickpocket
Blue Dartwing3Restore Health
Blue Dartwing4Fear
Blue Mountain Flower1Restore HealthY
Blue Mountain Flower2Fortify ConjurationY
Blue Mountain Flower3Fortify HealthY
Blue Mountain Flower4Damage Magicka RegenY
Boar Tusk1Fortify StaminaDB
Boar Tusk2Fortify HealthDB
Boar Tusk3Fortify BlockDB
Boar Tusk4FrenzyDB
Bone Meal1Damage Stamina
Bone Meal2Resist Fire
Bone Meal3Fortify Conjuration
Bone Meal4Ravage Stamina
Briar Heart1Restore Magicka
Briar Heart2Fortify Block
Briar Heart3Paralysis
Briar Heart4Fortify Magicka
Burnt Spriggan Wood1Weakness to FireDB
Burnt Spriggan Wood2Fortify AlterationDB
Burnt Spriggan Wood3Damage Magicka RegenDB
Burnt Spriggan Wood4SlowDB
Butterfly Wing1Restore Health
Butterfly Wing2Fortify Barter
Butterfly Wing3Lingering Damage Stamina
Butterfly Wing4Damage Magicka
Canis Root1Damage StaminaY
Canis Root2Fortify One-handedY
Canis Root3Fortify MarksmanY
Canis Root4ParalysisY
Charred Skeever Hide1Restore Stamina
Charred Skeever Hide2Cure Disease
Charred Skeever Hide3Resist Poison
Charred Skeever Hide4Restore Health
Chaurus Eggs1Weakness to Poison
Chaurus Eggs2Fortify Stamina
Chaurus Eggs3Damage Magicka
Chaurus Eggs4Invisibility
Chaurus Hunter Antennae1Damage StaminaDG
Chaurus Hunter Antennae2Fortify ConjurationDG
Chaurus Hunter Antennae3Damage Magicka RegenDG
Chaurus Hunter Antennae4Fortify EnchantingDG
Chicken's Egg1Resist Magic
Chicken's Egg2Damage Magicka Regen
Chicken's Egg3Waterbreathing
Chicken's Egg4Lingering Damage Stamina
Creep Cluster1Restore MagickaY
Creep Cluster2Damage Stamina RegenY
Creep Cluster3Fortify Carry WeightY
Creep Cluster4Weakness to MagicY
Crimson Nirnroot1Damage Health
Crimson Nirnroot2Damage Stamina
Crimson Nirnroot3Invisibility
Crimson Nirnroot4Resist Magic
Cyrodilic Spadetail1Damage Stamina
Cyrodilic Spadetail2Fortify Restoration
Cyrodilic Spadetail3Fear
Cyrodilic Spadetail4Ravage Health
Daedra Heart1Restore Health
Daedra Heart2Damage Stamina Regen
Daedra Heart3Damage Magicka
Daedra Heart4Fear
Deathbell1Damage HealthY
Deathbell2Ravage StaminaY
Deathbell4Weakness to PoisonY
Dragon's Tongue1Resist FireY
Dragon's Tongue2Fortify BarterY
Dragon's Tongue3Fortify IllusionY
Dragon's Tongue4Fortify Two-handedY
Dwarven Oil1Weakness to Magic
Dwarven Oil2Fortify Illusion
Dwarven Oil3Regenerate Magicka
Dwarven Oil4Restore Magicka
Ectoplasm1Restore Magicka
Ectoplasm2Fortify Destruction
Ectoplasm3Fortify Magicka
Ectoplasm4Damage Health
Elves Ear1Restore Magicka
Elves Ear2Fortify Marksman
Elves Ear3Weakness to Frost
Elves Ear4Resist Fire
Emperor Parasol Moss1Damage HealthDB
Emperor Parasol Moss2Fortify MagickaDB
Emperor Parasol Moss3Regenerate HealthDB
Emperor Parasol Moss4Fortify Two-handedDB
Eye of Sabre Cat1Restore Stamina
Eye of Sabre Cat2Ravage Health
Eye of Sabre Cat3Damage Magicka
Eye of Sabre Cat4Restore Health
Falmer Ear1Damage Health
Falmer Ear2Frenzy
Falmer Ear3Resist Poison
Falmer Ear4Fortify Lockpicking
Felsaad Tern Feathers1Restore HealthDB
Felsaad Tern Feathers2Fortify Light ArmorDB
Felsaad Tern Feathers3Cure DiseaseDB
Felsaad Tern Feathers4Resist MagicDB
Fire Salts1Weakness to Frost
Fire Salts2Resist Fire
Fire Salts3Restore Magicka
Fire Salts4Regenerate Magicka
Fly Amanita1Resist FireY
Fly Amanita2Fortify Two-handedY
Fly Amanita3FrenzyY
Fly Amanita4Regenerate StaminaY
Frost Mirriam1Resist Frost
Frost Mirriam2Fortify Sneak
Frost Mirriam3Ravage Magicka
Frost Mirriam4Damage Stamina Regen
Frost Salts1Weakness to Fire
Frost Salts2Resist Frost
Frost Salts3Restore Magicka
Frost Salts4Fortify Conjuration
Garlic1Resist Poison
Garlic2Fortify Stamina
Garlic3Regenerate Magicka
Garlic4Regenerate Health
Giant Lichen1Weakness to ShockY
Giant Lichen2Ravage HealthY
Giant Lichen3Weakness to PoisonY
Giant Lichen4Restore MagickaY
Giant's Toe1Damage Stamina
Giant's Toe2Fortify Health
Giant's Toe3Fortify Carry Weight
Giant's Toe4Damage Stamina Regen
Gleamblossom1Resist MagicDG
Gleamblossom3Regenerate HealthDG
Glow Dust1Damage Magicka
Glow Dust2Damage Magicka Regen
Glow Dust3Fortify Destruction
Glow Dust4Resist Shock
Glowing Mushroom1Resist ShockY
Glowing Mushroom2Fortify DestructionY
Glowing Mushroom3Fortify SmithingY
Glowing Mushroom4Fortify HealthY
Grass Pod1Resist PoisonY
Grass Pod2Ravage MagickaY
Grass Pod3Fortify AlterationY
Grass Pod4Restore MagickaY
Hagraven Claw1Resist Magic
Hagraven Claw2Lingering Damage Magicka
Hagraven Claw3Fortify Enchanting
Hagraven Claw4Fortify Barter
Hagraven Feathers1Damage Magicka
Hagraven Feathers2Fortify Conjuration
Hagraven Feathers3Frenzy
Hagraven Feathers4Weakness to Shock
Hanging Moss1Damage Magicka
Hanging Moss2Fortify Health
Hanging Moss3Damage Magicka Regen
Hanging Moss4Fortify One-handed
Hawk Beak1Restore Stamina
Hawk Beak2Resist Frost
Hawk Beak3Fortify Carry Weight
Hawk Beak4Resist Shock
Hawk Feathers1Cure Disease
Hawk Feathers2Fortify Light Armor
Hawk Feathers3Fortify One-handed
Hawk Feathers4Fortify Sneak
Hawk's Egg1Resist MagicHF
Hawk's Egg2Damage Magicka RegenHF
Hawk's Egg3WaterbreathingHF
Hawk's Egg4Lingering Damage StaminaHF
Histcarp1Restore Stamina
Histcarp2Fortify Magicka
Histcarp3Damage Stamina Regen
Honeycomb1Restore Stamina
Honeycomb2Fortify Block
Honeycomb3Fortify Light Armor
Honeycomb4Ravage Stamina
Human Flesh1Damage Health
Human Flesh2Paralysis
Human Flesh3Restore Magicka
Human Flesh4Fortify Sneak
Human Heart1Damage Health
Human Heart2Damage Magicka
Human Heart3Damage Magicka Regen
Human Heart4Frenzy
Ice Wraith Teeth1Weakness to Frost
Ice Wraith Teeth2Fortify Heavy Armor
Ice Wraith Teeth3Invisibility
Ice Wraith Teeth4Weakness to Fire
Imp Stool1Damage HealthY
Imp Stool2Lingering Damage HealthY
Imp Stool3ParalysisY
Imp Stool4Restore HealthY
Jazbay Grapes1Weakness to MagicY
Jazbay Grapes2Fortify MagickaY
Jazbay Grapes3Regenerate MagickaY
Jazbay Grapes4Ravage HealthY
Juniper Berries1Weakness to FireY
Juniper Berries2Fortify MarksmanY
Juniper Berries3Regenerate HealthY
Juniper Berries4Damage Stamina RegenY
Large Antlers1Restore Stamina
Large Antlers2Fortify Stamina
Large Antlers3Slow
Large Antlers4Damage Stamina Regen
Lavender1Resist MagicY
Lavender2Fortify StaminaY
Lavender3Ravage MagickaY
Lavender4Fortify ConjurationY
Luna Moth Wing1Damage Magicka
Luna Moth Wing2Fortify Light Armor
Luna Moth Wing3Regenerate Health
Luna Moth Wing4Invisibility
Moon Sugar1Weakness to Fire
Moon Sugar2Resist Frost
Moon Sugar3Restore Magicka
Moon Sugar4Regenerate Magicka
Mora Tapinella1Restore MagickaY
Mora Tapinella2Lingering Damage HealthY
Mora Tapinella3Regenerate StaminaY
Mora Tapinella4Fortify IllusionY
Mudcrab Chitin1Restore Stamina
Mudcrab Chitin2Cure Disease
Mudcrab Chitin3Resist Poison
Mudcrab Chitin4Resist Fire
Namira's Rot1Damage MagickaY
Namira's Rot2Fortify LockpickingY
Namira's Rot3FearY
Namira's Rot4Regenerate HealthY
Netch Jelly1ParalysisDB
Netch Jelly2Fortify Carry WeightDB
Netch Jelly3Restore StaminaDB
Netch Jelly4FearDB
Nightshade1Damage HealthY
Nightshade2Damage Magicka RegenY
Nightshade3Lingering Damage StaminaY
Nightshade4Fortify DestructionY
Nirnroot1Damage Health
Nirnroot2Damage Stamina
Nirnroot4Resist Magic
Nordic Barnacle1Damage Magicka
Nordic Barnacle2Waterbreathing
Nordic Barnacle3Regenerate Health
Nordic Barnacle4Fortify Pickpocket
Orange Dartwing1Restore Stamina
Orange Dartwing2Ravage Magicka
Orange Dartwing3Fortify Pickpocket
Orange Dartwing4Lingering Damage Health
Pearl1Restore Stamina
Pearl2Fortify Block
Pearl3Restore Magicka
Pearl4Resist Shock
Pine Thrush Egg1Restore Stamina
Pine Thrush Egg2Fortify Lockpicking
Pine Thrush Egg3Weakness to Poison
Pine Thrush Egg4Resist Shock
Poison Bloom1Damage HealthDG
Poison Bloom2SlowDG
Poison Bloom3Fortify Carry WeightDG
Poison Bloom4FearDG
Powdered Mammoth Tusk1Restore Stamina
Powdered Mammoth Tusk2Fortify Sneak
Powdered Mammoth Tusk3Weakness to Fire
Powdered Mammoth Tusk4Fear
Purple Mountain Flower1Restore StaminaY
Purple Mountain Flower2Fortify SneakY
Purple Mountain Flower3Lingering Damage MagickaY
Purple Mountain Flower4Resist FrostY
Red Mountain Flower1Restore MagickaY
Red Mountain Flower2Ravage MagickaY
Red Mountain Flower3Fortify MagickaY
Red Mountain Flower4Damage HealthY
River Betty1Damage Health
River Betty2Fortify Alteration
River Betty3Slow
River Betty4Fortify Carry Weight
Rock Warbler Egg1Restore Health
Rock Warbler Egg2Fortify One-handed
Rock Warbler Egg3Damage Stamina
Rock Warbler Egg4Weakness to Magic
Sabre Cat Tooth1Restore Stamina
Sabre Cat Tooth2Fortify Heavy Armor
Sabre Cat Tooth3Fortify Smithing
Sabre Cat Tooth4Weakness to Poison
Salmon Roe1Restore StaminaHF
Salmon Roe2WaterbreathingHF
Salmon Roe3Fortify MagickaHF
Salmon Roe4Regenerate MagickaHF
Salt Pile1Weakness to Magic
Salt Pile2Fortify Restoration
Salt Pile3Slow
Salt Pile4Regenerate Magicka
Scaly Pholiota1Weakness to MagicY
Scaly Pholiota2Fortify IllusionY
Scaly Pholiota3Regenerate StaminaY
Scaly Pholiota4Fortify Carry WeightY
Scathecraw1Ravage HealthDB
Scathecraw2Ravage StaminaDB
Scathecraw3Ravage MagickaDB
Scathecraw4Lingering Damage HealthDB
Silverside Perch1Restore Stamina
Silverside Perch2Damage Stamina Regen
Silverside Perch3Ravage Health
Silverside Perch4Resist Frost
Skeever Tail1Damage Stamina Regen
Skeever Tail2Ravage Health
Skeever Tail3Damage Health
Skeever Tail4Fortify Light Armor
Slaughterfish Egg1Resist Poison
Slaughterfish Egg2Fortify Pickpocket
Slaughterfish Egg3Lingering Damage Health
Slaughterfish Egg4Fortify Stamina
Slaughterfish Scales1Resist Frost
Slaughterfish Scales2Lingering Damage Health
Slaughterfish Scales3Fortify Heavy Armor
Slaughterfish Scales4Fortify Block
Small Antlers1Weakness to Poison
Small Antlers2Fortify Restoration
Small Antlers3Lingering Damage Stamina
Small Antlers4Damage Health
Small Pearl1Restore Stamina
Small Pearl2Fortify One-handed
Small Pearl3Fortify Restoration
Small Pearl4Resist Frost
Snowberries1Resist FireY
Snowberries2Fortify EnchantingY
Snowberries3Resist FrostY
Snowberries4Resist ShockY
Spawn Ash1Ravage StaminaDB
Spawn Ash2Resist FireDB
Spawn Ash3Fortify EnchantingDB
Spawn Ash4Ravage MagickaDB
Spider Egg1Damage Stamina
Spider Egg2Damage Magicka Regen
Spider Egg3Fortify Lockpicking
Spider Egg4Fortify Marksman
Spriggan Sap1Damage Magicka Regen
Spriggan Sap2Fortify Enchanting
Spriggan Sap3Fortify Smithing
Spriggan Sap4Fortify Alteration
Swamp Fungal Pod1Resist ShockY
Swamp Fungal Pod2Lingering Damage MagickaY
Swamp Fungal Pod3ParalysisY
Swamp Fungal Pod4Restore HealthY
Taproot1Weakness to Magic
Taproot2Fortify Illusion
Taproot3Regenerate Magicka
Taproot4Restore Magicka
Thistle Branch1Resist FrostY
Thistle Branch2Ravage StaminaY
Thistle Branch3Resist PoisonY
Thistle Branch4Fortify Heavy ArmorY
Torchbug Thorax1Restore Stamina
Torchbug Thorax2Lingering Damage Magicka
Torchbug Thorax3Weakness to Magic
Torchbug Thorax4Fortify Stamina
Trama Root1Weakness to ShockDB
Trama Root2Fortify Carry WeightDB
Trama Root3Damage MagickaDB
Trama Root4SlowDB
Troll Fat1Resist Poison
Troll Fat2Fortify Two-handed
Troll Fat3Frenzy
Troll Fat4Damage Health
Tundra Cotton1Resist MagicY
Tundra Cotton2Fortify MagickaY
Tundra Cotton3Fortify BlockY
Tundra Cotton4Fortify BarterY
Vampire Dust1Invisibility
Vampire Dust2Restore Magicka
Vampire Dust3Regenerate Health
Vampire Dust4Cure Disease
Void Salts1Weakness to Shock
Void Salts2Resist Magic
Void Salts3Damage Health
Void Salts4Fortify Magicka
Wheat1Restore HealthY
Wheat2Fortify HealthY
Wheat3Damage Stamina RegenY
Wheat4Lingering Damage MagickaY
White Cap1Weakness to FrostY
White Cap2Fortify Heavy ArmorY
White Cap3Restore MagickaY
White Cap4Ravage MagickaY
Wisp Wrappings1Restore Stamina
Wisp Wrappings2Fortify Destruction
Wisp Wrappings3Fortify Carry Weight
Wisp Wrappings4Resist Magic
Yellow Mountain Flower1Resist PoisonDG
Yellow Mountain Flower2Fortify RestorationDG
Yellow Mountain Flower3Fortify HealthDG
Yellow Mountain Flower4Damage Stamina RegenDG

This document uses material from the “Skyrim:Ingredients” article and linked articles on The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages ( and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.