Last Updated: Apr-28-2016
Each bobblehead permanently increases one of the 7 S.P.E.C.I.A.L. statistics by 1 point, or grants a permanent unique perk. Download the checklist or see the table below for more information.
You can use bobbleheads to get 11 points in your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats if you wait until each stat is at 10 before picking up the related bobblehead.
Printable Checklist
Fallout-4-Bobbleheads.pdf (14422 downloads)Bobblehead Location Table
Name | Effect | Location | Location description |
Agility | +1 to Agility | Wreck of the FMS Northern Star | On the edge of the bow of the ship, wooden platform. |
Barter | +5% better prices | Longneck Lukowski's Cannery | Inside the metal catwalk hut, southwest upper area of the main cannery room. |
Big Guns | +25% critical damage with heavy weapons | Vault 95 | In the living quarters area, north-most room, on a radio. |
Charisma | +1 to Charisma | Parsons State Insane Asylum | On Jack Cabot's office desk, close to elevator, administration area. |
Endurance | +1 to Endurance | Poseidon Energy | On the metal desk with a magazine, near steamer trunk, central metal catwalk. |
Energy Weapons | +25% critical damage with energy weapons | Fort Hagen | In the Command Center, southwest kitchens, on a small table between two fridges. (Accessible only during/after the main quest Reunions) |
Explosives | +15% explosive damage | Saugus Ironworks | In the Blast Furnace on the second level catwalk behind Slag's spawn and next to a steamer trunk. |
Intelligence | +1 to Intelligence | Boston Public Library | On the computer bank, mechanical room, northwest corner of library. |
Lockpicking | Easier lockpicking | Pickman Gallery | Last tunnel chamber where you see Pickman; On the ground between brick pillars and a bin fireplace. |
Luck | +1 to Luck | Spectacle Island | In the second deck pilot house of a green tugboat located at the southern end of Spectacle Island, on a locker shelf near the steamer trunk. |
Medicine | +10% stimpak healing | Vault 81 | In Curie's office, southeast corner of the Vault. |
Melee | +25% critical damage with melee weapons | Trinity Tower | On a table in the cage where Rex Goodman and Strong are being held. |
Perception | +1 to Perception | Museum of Freedom | On the room where you first meet Preston Garvey; on a desk next to a broken terminal. |
Repair | +10% fusion core duration | Corvega Assembly Plant | On the very end of the top exterior ganty (blue ballon), southwest roof section of the plant building. |
Science | +1 guess when hacking | Malden Middle School (Vault 75) | On the desk overlooking the subterranean 'Training' area, within the science labs. |
Small Guns | +25% critical damage with ballistic guns | Gunners Plaza | On the broadcast desk in the on-air room, ground floor, west side of the building. |
Sneak | +10% harder to detect | Dunwich Borers | On a small metal table by a lantern, right next to the metal post terminal area #4. |
Speech | +100 vendor caps | Park Street Station (Vault 114) | In the Overseer's office. |
Strength | +1 to Strength | Mass Fusion Building | On the metal wall sculpture high above the lobby desk. |
Unarmed | +25% critical damage with unarmed attacks | Atom Cats Garage | On the hood of the rusty car in the main warehouse. |
This document uses material from the “Vault-Tec bobblehead” article on the Fallout wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.
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This is awesome, I wanted to create a similar thing for my own use but it already exists here which is great. So thank you to who ever made this it just saved me about an hours worth of formatting in a word doc.
Thank you for this.. Saved alot of time… A PRINTABLE LIST!!!!